Motor Vehicle Offenses
Vehicle crimes – the great equalizer.
Although it may be a small world, you cannot get around in it without a car. Almost every one of us is behind the wheel of a car at some point in the day. We drive without incident until, in the blink of an eye, everything changes. Motor vehicle crimes are the great equalizer because nobody plans them and they can happen to anyone.

Most driving crimes involve no intentional conduct at all; purely accidental or unintentional conduct can often result in charges; a brief moment of distraction is sometimes all that it takes for tragic consequences to occur and serious charges to follow.
Apart from DWI/DUI/OUI, which is discussed in separate pages here (overview) and here (FAQ) and license suspensions, discussed here (as to OUIs) and here (as to other suspensions) some of the more common motor vehicle offenses include motor vehicle homicide, leaving the scene of an accident, driving to endanger, driving on a suspended license, and use without authority.